Timothy Woodacre Sarah Dunkerley Peter J. Cox


We present a rare case of a mobile diplopodia in an infant with disorganization syndrome. This was initially mistaken for polydactyly due to the more typical association between these conditions. The resulting corrective surgery was more extensive and complicated than anticipated, with the removal of a partial foot duplication and reconstruction of residual hindfoot structures, rather than the planned digit amputation. We highlight the association of diplopodia with disorganization syndrome, discuss differentiating diplopodia from polydactyly and describe the surgical management of an unusual case.



Polydactyly, diplopodia, disorganization syndrome, foot and ankle surgery, pediatric orthopedic surgery

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How to Cite
Woodacre, T., Dunkerley, S., & Cox, P. J. (2023). A rare case of mobile diplopodia mistaken for polydactyly. Archive of Clinical Cases, 10(1), Arch Clin Cases 2023; 10(1):15-17. https://doi.org/10.22551/2023.38.1001.10232
Case Reports

How to Cite

Woodacre, T., Dunkerley, S., & Cox, P. J. (2023). A rare case of mobile diplopodia mistaken for polydactyly. Archive of Clinical Cases, 10(1), Arch Clin Cases 2023; 10(1):15-17. https://doi.org/10.22551/2023.38.1001.10232